Duty to provide information in accordance with §5 of the E-Commerce Act, §14 of the Companies Code or §63 of the Trade Code and disclosure requirements in accordance with §25 of the Media Act

Company Data

Xaidat GmbH
Pfarrgasse 11/3
8020 Graz / Austria
Phone: +43 316 23 20 69

FN: 384295s
FB court: Regional court for ZRS Graz
Legal form: Limited liability company
UID-Nr: ATU67414611
Jurisdiction and place of fulfillment: Regional court for ZRS Graz
CEO: Ing. Thomas Bauer

Member of the WKÖ, WKSTMK,
Fachgruppe Unternehmensberatung, Buchhaltung und Informationstechn., IT-Dienstleistung

Trade Regulations: www.ris.bka.gv.at
Supervisory authority (in accordance with ECG): Magistrat Graz as a trade authority

Consumers have the option of complaining to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform: http://ec.europa.eu/odr.

You can also send any suggestions to the mail address above.

Disclosure according to media law

Media owner
Xaidat GmbH

Head office (location of the main office)

Purpose of the company
Software development and IT services

Ing. Thomas Bauer, 100% participation, sole voting right

Managing directors, members of the board or supervisory board
Ing. Thomas Bauer, CEO

Leaf line
Information about the goods and services of the company, promotion of sales and information or news from the industry.

WKO Xaidat GmbH page

Terms of Service

We use the general terms and conditions of the WKO for the sale and delivery of organizational, programming services and software licenses (B2B).